[UCRANIA] Ejercicios Espirituales hombres (Krykhivtsi)

(mujeres) Hna. Maria Zarvanytska – c. [email protected] – Tel +380 984 767 727 Бурштин вул. Т. Шевченка 57 (hombres) Padre Teodosio Savchuk – [email protected] – Tel +380 982 469 169 Івано-Франківськ, с. Крихівці, вул. Вербова 12. Padre Antonii Vatseba – Tel +380 966 574 389 http://iveukraine.com.ua/es/diyalnist/duhovni-vpravy/ facebook: iveukranie.org.ua/poklykannya/novitsiat-zvs

[UCRANIA] Ejercicios Espirituales mujeres (Burshtyn)

(mujeres) Hna. Maria Zarvanytska – c. [email protected] – Tel +380 984 767 727 Бурштин вул. Т. Шевченка 57 (hombres) Padre Teodosio Savchuk – [email protected] – Tel +380 982 469 169 Івано-Франківськ, с. Крихівці, вул. Вербова 12. Padre Antonii Vatseba – Tel +380 966 574 389 http://iveukraine.com.ua/es/diyalnist/duhovni-vpravy/ facebook: iveukranie.org.ua/poklykannya/novitsiat-zvs

[USA] Spiritual Exercises (Brooklyn, NY)

Fr. Evans Julce, a diocesan priest assisted the 10 women who did the Spiritual Exercises in their confessions and consultations. Sr. Mary of Jesus preached the exercises. I have done the 30 day silent retreat before when I was discerning as a novice with the Home of the Mother, so I was familiar with the […]