[USA] Spiritual Exercises (Brooklyn, NY)

Fr. Evans Julce, a diocesan priest assisted the 10 women who did the Spiritual Exercises in their confessions and consultations. Sr. Mary of Jesus preached the exercises.

I have done the 30 day silent retreat before when I was discerning as a novice with the Home of the Mother, so I was familiar with the meditations. This time, however, it was in English, and so you can imagine, I benefited greatly from that! I didn’t have many expectations except that I knew they were going to follow the same guidelines as my first spiritual exercises, just in a more compact way. It did exactly that! Though I found myself spiritual exhausted by the end, from doing 5 meditations a day, I wouldn’t have it any other way because when you are generous with the Lord, He is that much more generous. (Kristen Delaune)